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Conference Materials from Southwest Fox

October 20, 2015 •

It's been a fun, but very busy week for me at Southwest Fox last week with 2 very long days of Web Connection training and then 3 more days of sessions at Southwest Fox.

There seemed to be a lot more excitement than in past years around alternate technologies and Web functionality than I have seen in recent years which I find refreshing. This seemed especially related to client centric, JavaScript based front end applications and in particular Angular Js for building your front end application code. There also continues to be a lot of pent up demand for building mobile friendly Web applications and even though I only briefly showed the hybrid Cordova application that seemed to get a lot of people very excited about the possibilities.

Anyway, if you were attending the conference or not, here are the links the for the materials for the main Southwest Fox sessions which are hosted in BitBucket repositories.

Building Mobile Web Applications with AngularJs, Bootstrap and Web Connection

This session demonstrated how to build a mobile friendly Web application that can scale from desktop down to a mobile phone and work well in all display sizes by way of a sample AlbumViewer application. This application showcases a number of mobile features such as mobile first design, rearranging user interface elements depending on device width and using a pure client centric JavaScript application to drive the front end with AngularJS. Angular JS provides the modularization, two-way databinding and a number of support features for driving the entire user interface from browser. A Web Connection wwRestService based backend rounds out this example to provide the service JSON data that the front end consumes, retrieving FoxPro objects and cursors and serving them as JSON responses. Finally there's also an example, of the same mobile Web application ported to Cordova (with very minimal changes) and running as a native application on iOS using the Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova Cordova.

Online Sample Application

Source Code for the AlbumViewer and related Code Samples

Slides and Session Notes

Creating and Consuming Web Services with Visual FoxPro and .NET

This session demonstrated how to build SOAP 1.x based Web Services, using .NET ASMX services as the intermediary to both create Web Services and also consume them using .NET. For the server side the samples demonstrate how to use OleDb for direct data access to FoxPro data, as well as using MTDLL COM objects for calling FoxPro business logic to return objects for consumption by .NET code. Both styles rely on some connecting .NET code to provide the service front end. For the client side the examples, demonstrate importing a Web Service from WSDL and generating a .NET class, then using wwDotnetBridge to call the generated .NET proxy.

Conference White Paper

Sample Projects and Slides on BitBucket

Web Connection Training TimeTrakker Server Side MVC Sample

During the two day training we focused on server side application development during the first day of the training. The example is a small time tracking application that is mobile friendly using Responsive Design and takes advantage of some of the new features in Web Connection 6.0 including Layout Pages, partials and sections.

Time Trakker Web Connection 6.0 Server Sample Application

West Wind Web Store Discount for SW Fox Attendees

I also want to remind those of you that attended SW Fox that there's a 10% discount available on all West Wind products. You can use the discount code SWFOX_2015 on the shopping cart to apply the 10% discount. Please provide your SW Fox badge number with your purchase to qualify.

Next Year's Southwest Fox

Dates for next year's Southwest Fox conference were announced for late September next year. If you haven't come before it's a great place to see people catch up with new ideas on how you can extend the life of FoxPro just a little longer while at the same time gaining new skills. Mark your calendar.

Posted in: FoxPro    Web Development

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