Web Connection
Subclass wwUserSecurity help
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Subclass wwUserSecurity help
  Michael Hogan (Ideate Hosting)
  Nov 24, 2015 @ 11:48am
Portions of oUserSecurity appear to be embedded in several places, so it's not clear to me how and where to properly subclass it so I can change .lCaseSensitive and also the GetUser logic. Unfortunately, the class or name is not one of the defines in wconnect.h

Do I simply subclass and then make sure I SET PROCEDURE to my class first so that my subclass will be called rather than the original wwUserSecurity.prg definitions?

So - is it as simple as creating MyUserSecurity.prg:

SET PROCEDURE TO wwUserSecurity Additive
DEFINE CLASS id8UserSecurity AS wwserSecurity
lcasesensitive = .T.

And then,


... and then perhaps setting


in wConnect.h???


Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Re: Subclass wwUserSecurity help
  Rick Strahl
  Michael Hogan (Ideate Hosting)
  Nov 24, 2015 @ 05:11pm

Where are you trying to reuse wwUserSecurity? In the wwProcess class? If so you can set the classname in wwProcess::cAuthenticationUserSecurityClass. Just set that to your custom class and it will be used instead. AFAIK, the classname isn't hardcoded anywhere except in the wwProcess header property where it can be overridden more easily.

+++ Rick ---

Portions of oUserSecurity appear to be embedded in several places, so it's not clear to me how and where to properly subclass it so I can change .lCaseSensitive and also the GetUser logic. Unfortunately, the class or name is not one of the defines in wconnect.h

Do I simply subclass and then make sure I SET PROCEDURE to my class first so that my subclass will be called rather than the original wwUserSecurity.prg definitions?

So - is it as simple as creating MyUserSecurity.prg:

SET PROCEDURE TO wwUserSecurity Additive
DEFINE CLASS id8UserSecurity AS wwserSecurity
lcasesensitive = .T.

And then,


... and then perhaps setting


in wConnect.h???

Rick Strahl
West Wind Technologies

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