West Wind Internet and Client Tools
WWIP Project Setup
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. WWIP Project Setup
  Jul 30, 2015 @ 04:52pm
I've been using West Wind Internet Protocols for a long time now. I use it in multiple projects. I've got a copy of the wwip files in each project. So I'm running all sorts of different versions. On top of that the structure of the files has changed over the years. It was all in a flat directory, not we have a subdirectory for Classes, tools, etc. In the early days I was dropping the wwIPstuff class library onto a form and passing the object reference from there. More recently I create the object in code. I'm all over the board!

With multiple projects, what's the best way to set this up? Just one master directory with a generic name like "wwClient" or should I name it "wwClient 5.72" so that I can have different projects running different versions?

Right now I have a mess and I'm just trying to figure out the best way to organize this. thanks!

Marvin Masson

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Re: WWIP Project Setup
  Rick Strahl
  Marvin Masson
  Jul 31, 2015 @ 08:07am
Generally the structure for any client libraries we have is to simply copy the files you need into your projects as needed. My suggestion is to create a subfolder in your project and make sure the path is set to that folder at compile time and that should be all you need.

If you have shared versions and you want to reference that then just point your path at the wwipstuff install folder and the classes folder:

SET PATH TO "..\wwipstuff\classes" ADDITIVE
SET PATH TO "..\wwipstuff" ADDITIVE

where ..\ is my relative path to the library - replace with whereever your lib lives. This is to ensure the files get pulled in. Then make sure you include the appropriate DLLs.

I use the latter approach (although I include from my Web Connection installation). I find however most customers just copy the files they need into their project folders as a subfolder or whereever their app source code lives. Again make sure the path to that folder is set and don't forget to include any DLL dependencies you might have.

+++ Rick ---

I've been using West Wind Internet Protocols for a long time now. I use it in multiple projects. I've got a copy of the wwip files in each project. So I'm running all sorts of different versions. On top of that the structure of the files has changed over the years. It was all in a flat directory, not we have a subdirectory for Classes, tools, etc. In the early days I was dropping the wwIPstuff class library onto a form and passing the object reference from there. More recently I create the object in code. I'm all over the board!

With multiple projects, what's the best way to set this up? Just one master directory with a generic name like "wwClient" or should I name it "wwClient 5.72" so that I can have different projects running different versions?

Right now I have a mess and I'm just trying to figure out the best way to organize this. thanks!

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