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AngularJS passing data between controllers
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. AngularJS passing data between controllers
  Harvey Mushman
  Jul 18, 2014 @ 06:19am
I have two or more controllers on a page, each is listing rows and columns from my VFP table. I have an edit button on each row that pops up a modal dialog. Some of the edit fields on the popup combine the data contained in the separate controllers via select dropdown option groups.

I can't seem to figure out how to make controller one know about controller two...?

rows & columns + edit button

rows & columns

modal popup
field 1...n where one or more is a <select><option...>list based on the rows in controller2

I suspect it has to do with $injectors but that is only a guess and requires a lot more reading to understand this concept.

Any suggestions would be welcome.


Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Re: AngularJS passing data between controllers
  Rick Strahl
  Harvey Mushman
  Jul 18, 2014 @ 04:08pm
Easiest way to do this is to use $scope.$emit() and $scope.$on() to pass messages from one controller to another.

You emit messages with somehting like this in the first controller:

$scope.onCellChange = function () {
cellService.selectedCell = $scope.selection;

// Send message to HeaderController
$scope.$root.$emit("cellSelected", $scope.selection.CellDefID);

Then on the receiving controller you have a method that picks up the message using $on:

$scope.$root.$on("cellSelected", function (e, id) {
$scope.processing = true; // progress display

.success(function(result) {
$scope.queues = result;
.finally(function() {
$scope.processing = false; // stop progress

+++ Rick ---

I have two or more controllers on a page, each is listing rows and columns from my VFP table. I have an edit button on each row that pops up a modal dialog. Some of the edit fields on the popup combine the data contained in the separate controllers via select dropdown option groups.

I can't seem to figure out how to make controller one know about controller two...?

rows & columns + edit button

rows & columns

modal popup
field 1...n where one or more is a <select><option...>list based on the rows in controller2

I suspect it has to do with $injectors but that is only a guess and requires a lot more reading to understand this concept.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Rick Strahl
West Wind Technologies

Making waves on the Web
from Maui

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Re: AngularJS passing data between controllers
  Harvey Mushman
  Rick Strahl
  Jul 21, 2014 @ 09:39am
After almost getting Emit() and On() working across controllers, I discovered if I defined a variable in controller1 at the $scope level and assigned my value to it in controller2, when I needed to access it in controller1 everything worked. So at this point, I can avoid emit() and on() and stay focused on my app.

thanks for this pointer, I'm sure it will come up soon enough. <g>


Easiest way to do this is to use $scope.$emit() and $scope.$on() to pass messages from one controller to another.

You emit messages with somehting like this in the first controller:

$scope.onCellChange = function () {
cellService.selectedCell = $scope.selection;

// Send message to HeaderController
$scope.$root.$emit("cellSelected", $scope.selection.CellDefID);

Then on the receiving controller you have a method that picks up the message using $on:

$scope.$root.$on("cellSelected", function (e, id) {
$scope.processing = true; // progress display

.success(function(result) {
$scope.queues = result;
.finally(function() {
$scope.processing = false; // stop progress

+++ Rick ---

I have two or more controllers on a page, each is listing rows and columns from my VFP table. I have an edit button on each row that pops up a modal dialog. Some of the edit fields on the popup combine the data contained in the separate controllers via select dropdown option groups.

I can't seem to figure out how to make controller one know about controller two...?

rows & columns + edit button

rows & columns

modal popup
field 1...n where one or more is a <select><option...>list based on the rows in controller2

I suspect it has to do with $injectors but that is only a guess and requires a lot more reading to understand this concept.

Any suggestions would be welcome.


Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Re: AngularJS passing data between controllers
  Rick Strahl
  Harvey Mushman
  Jul 21, 2014 @ 01:49pm

Not sure what you mean. $scope instances aren't visible to each other unless they are in a hierarchy. Nested child $scopes inherit the parent $scope properties, but sibling or completely unrelated controllers can't see each other's $scope.

For those cases $emit() and $on() are the way to go. It's also not just about getting the value over there - it's also about notifying the other controller that something needs to happen. Since controller code runs only once when activated, you still need a way to notify the other controller typically when a value is updated and the $emit()/$on sequence is a nice way of doing this.

+++ Rick ---

Rick Strahl
West Wind Technologies

Making waves on the Web
from Maui

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