Use wwDotnetBridge Documentation

This tutorial has shown some relatively simple scenarios for accessing service types. If you're working against complex services you are likely going to run into additional types that are a bit more complex to access via FoxPro.

Remember all services are exposed as .NET objects. Most simple properties you can access directly (ie. or object.method()), but there are a number of scenarios where FoxPro cannot directly access the .NET types:

  • Arrays - use ComArray
  • Structs/Value types - Use GetProperty/SetProperty/InvokeMethod
  • Enums types - Use GetEnumValue(), GetEnumString(), ComValue.SetEnum()
  • Generic Types - Use GetProperty/SetProperty/InvokeMethod

For more info see the wwDotnetBridge documentation.

© West Wind Technologies, 2004-2020 • Updated: 06/07/17
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