Class busLookups

This object provides a number of generic and reusable lists. It's based on the wws_lookups table which contains info for Categories, States and Countries.

Namespace: Westwind.WebStore
Inherits: wwBusiness

Class Members



Retrieves a list of categories from the wws_lookups table into the Categories table

public Int32 GetCategories()


Returns a full country name from a country Id

public String GetCountryFromCountryId(String CountryId)


Returns a list of countries in Alphabetical Order. Returns a table called TCountries. Two columns: Country,CountryId

public int GetCountryList()


Returns a list of states in Alphabetical Order. Returns a table called TStates. Two columns: State, StateCode.

public int GetStateList()

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2018 • Updated: 10/07/03
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