Class StronglyTypedWebResources

Class that handles generating strongly typed resources for global Web resource files in ASP.NET projects. The generated class simply is a wrapper around HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject() for the global resource and provides a strongly typed class interface to the resource keys.


public class StronglyTypedWebResources : object

Class Members

Constructor Pass in a reference to the Physical Path of the Web application so this tool can use this path as the project base for the application.
CreateClassFromAllDatabaseResources Creates strongly typed classes from all global resources in the current application from the active wwDbResourceManager. One class is created which contains each of the resource classes. Classnames are not necessarily named with
public string CreateClassFromAllDatabaseResources( string Namespace,
string FileName );
CreateClassFromDatabaseResource Creates a strongly typed resource class for a ResoureSet from the wwDbResourceManager.
public string CreateClassFromDatabaseResource( string ResourceSetName,
string Namespace,
string Classname,
string FileName );
CreateClassFromFromAllGlobalResXResources Creates a class containing strongly typed resources of all resource keys in all global resource ResX files. A single class file with multiple classes is created.
public string CreateClassFromFromAllGlobalResXResources( string Namespace,
string FileName );
CreateClassFromResourceSet Creates a strongly typed resource from a ResourceSet object. The ResourceSet passed should always be the invariant resourceset that contains all the ResourceIds.
public string CreateClassFromResourceSet( ResourceSet ResourceSet,
string Namespace,
string Classname,
string FileName );
CreateClassFromResXResource Creates an ASP.NET compatible strongly typed resource from a ResX file in ASP.NET. The class generated works only for Global Resources by calling GetGlobalResourceObject.
public string CreateClassFromResXResource( string ResXFile,
string Namespace,
string Classname,
string FileName );
ErrorMessage An error message set on a failure result
WebPhysicalPath The physical path for the Web application


Namespace: Westwind.Globalization
Assembly: westwind.globalization.dll

  Last Updated: 11/21/2006 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008