Http Handler that returns ASP.NET Local and Global Resources as JavaScript objects. Supports both plain Resx Resources as well as DbResourceProvider driven resources.

Objects are generated in the form of:

var localRes = { BackupFailed: "Backup was not completed", Loading: "Loading" );

where the resource key becomes the property name with a string value.

The handler is driven through query string variables determines which resources are returned:

ResourceSet - Examples: "resources" (global), "admin/somepage.aspx" "default.aspx" (local) LocaleId - Examples: "de-de","de","" (empty=invariant) ResourceType - Resx,ResDb IncludeControls - if non-blank includes control values (. in name) VarName - name of hte variable generated - if omitted localRes or globalRes is created. ResourceMode - Flag required to find Resx resources on disk 0 - Local 1 - global 2 - plain resx

Resources retrieved are aggregated for the locale Id (ie. de-de returns de-de,de and invariant) whichever matches first.