Module that handles compression of JavaScript resources using GZip and script optimization that strips comments and extra whitespace.

This module should be used in conjunction with ClientScriptProxy.RegisterClientScriptResource which sets up the proper URL formatting required for this module to handle requests. Format is:


The type parameter can be omitted if the resource lives in this assembly.

To configure the module in web.config (for pre-IIS7):

<system.web> <httpModules> <add name="ScriptCompressionModule" type="Westwind.Web.ScriptCompressionModule,Westwind.Web"/> </httpModules> </system.web>

For IIS 7 Integrated mode:

<system.webServer> <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/> <modules> <add name="ScriptCompressionModule" type="Westwind.Web.ScriptCompressionModule,Westwind.Web"/> </modules> </system.webServer>