One of the easiest ways to add West Wind Web Toolkit functionality to your projects is to use Microsoft's NuGet Packaging technology. Using NuGet you can easily add components from the NuGet Web repository into your Visual Studio projects.

The following West Wind Web Toolkit NuGet items are available

  • West Wind .NET Utilities (Westwind.Utilities)
    This is the base support library that includes a host of general purpose .NET helper functionality. StringUtils, ReflectionUtils, DataUtils, SerializationUtils, XmlUtils, TimeUtils and more. Also includes the West Wind Application Configuration classes, Logging, HttpClient, a light weight ADO.NET data access class, SMTP and HTTP helpers and more. Useful for in any kind of .NET project.
    PM> Install-Package Westwind.Utilities

  • West Wind Web and AJAX Utilities (Westwind.Web)
    This is the core of the West Wind Web Toolkit's Web functionality and includes the REST and AJAX service functionality, the client script ww.jQuery library, ASP.NET script loaders, JSON serialization features plus a huge host of ASP.NET utility functionality as well as a few of WebForms and AJAX controls including the DataBinder, (jQuery) AjaxCallback control, DateTimePicker, AutoComplete.
    PM> Install-Package Westwind.Web

  • West Wind Business Frameworks for Entity Framework and Linq to Sql (Westwind.BusinessFramework)
    Provides a base business class layer for Entity Framework Code First and Linq to Sql. The business class encapsulates CRUD operations, provides low level provider access helpers and manages the data context for Entity Framework and Linq to SQL. Provides a great way to encapsulate your business logic into classes that consolidate functions related to your data entities.
    PM> Install-Package Westwind.BusinessFramework

  • West Wind Globalization Data-Driven ASP.NET Resource Provider (Westwind.Globalization)
    Provides an ASP.NET Resource Provider that uses a SQL Server database to serve resources, along with a Web interface that allows you to edit and update resources interactively. NuGet installs both the resource provider as well as the files required to run the Web editing interface.
    PM> Install-Package Westwind.Globalization

Adding NuGet Components to your Project

First make sure you have NuGet installed in Visual Studio. You can grab NuGet from:

or using the Microsoft Platform installer.

Once installed, to add a NuGet component to your ASP.NET site (WebForms or MVC) do the following:

  • Open or create your project
  • Right click on the Project or References node and select Manage NuGet Packages
  • Go to the All tab and then type Westwind into the Search Box

  • Select the component you're interested in and click Install

Once installation has completed the appropriate assemblies, content files and if necessary .config file modifications are applied to the project and you're good to go.