Web Monitor Default Configuration Settings

This form allows you to configure the default Web Monitor settings. These settings are used to provide settings to each of the sites either during every hit (such as the mail server) or as a default (when new sites are created).

In order for this form to work Web Monitor needs to have run at least once to set up the configuration files. If you have done this, then you should run the First Time Configuration link of the Main Administration page.

Here are the options available on the Web Monitor Default Settings Page:

Mail Server Settings

Mail Server
The IP Address or domain name of the Mail server that is used to send email notifications for failure and back up messages.

Username and Password
Optional username and password entries if your mail server requires you to login before allowing to send SMTP email. This should be required only if you're not using a local/intranet email server where relaying is prohibited.

Default Sender Email
This is the default name that is displayed as the Sender when sending emails. This value can be overridden in the Email Info Tab for each site. Valid formats are:

  • youremail@domain.com
  • "Display Name" <email@yourisp.com>

Default Recipients
One or more email addresses seperated by carriage returns that are notified by failure and back up messages. This value can be overridden in the Email Info Tab for each site.

HTTP Settings

Proxy Server
The optional domain name and port of a proxy server in the format:


Required only if you must use a proxy server in order to access HTTP content from your machine.

Proxy Username and Password
The optional Proxy login username and password values if the proxy server requires logins.


Message Log File
Specifies the name of the Error Message Log file. This is the file that is used to log failure and startup events when a site is down or comes back up. You can specify a full path or no path to the file.

Detail Log File
Specifies the name of the file used to every request that is made against all sites. This log is disabled by default because it can grow quite large very quickly. Logging is disabled when the Detail Log File Size is set to 0.

Detail Log File Size
Determines the maximum size of the Detail Log File. If this value is non-zero the log is enabled and written out. The minimum size 100,000 bytes. The recommended minmum though is 1,000,000 bytes as this file will get large quickly. The size here determines when the file is truncated and old entries are cleared out. When the limit is reached the file is truncated in half.

© West Wind Technologies, 2018 • Updated: 03/25/08
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